My 2022 prospecting stats

In 2021, I started a simple daily habit that I kept running in 2022. Every single workday, from Monday to Friday, I started my day with a 30 minute prospecting blocker.

In 2022, I kept experimenting with new prospecting plays, but the daily prospecting habit stayed.

Here are the prospecting stats of my year 2022:

723 prospects contacted

I knew from 2021 that adding 5 new prospects every single weekday was a good number to reach my targets. I kept working with that number in 2022, but the places were I went to find these prospects were different.

Instead of purely focusing on new logos, I went for:

  • Current customers
  • Old customers
  • Lost opportunities
  • Referrals

This was really helpful to bring my research time under 15 minutes daily.

258 prospects replied (35.7% reply rate)

I kept working with a simple LinkedIn sequence, but instead of tweaking it once every 6 months, I experimented with a new prospecting play every month.

With rapid experimentation, I was able to find what worked and what didn’t, and I double downed on the best plays.

In the second part of the year, I focused on reaching out to existing and old customers, which bumped my reply rate from 34.6% in 2021 to 35.7% in 2022.

49 meetings booked (18.7% meeting rate)

Finally, I booked 49 outbound meetings. As in 2021, a lot of the conversations didn’t lead to immediate opportunities, with a 37% opportunity rate only.

However, a good chunk of the prospects who didn’t turn into immediate opportunities came back later as inbound lead, or referred me to people they knew.

As a result, my sales grew by 77% in 2022, compared to 2021. And this was a key moment for me in 2022.

I had never been in a sales job for more than 3 years, and I learned that building a solid pipeline is about consistency and patience. I’ve been running SalesLabs for over 4 years, and each year is easier than the previous one.

It is simpler because my customer base keeps increasing, I’m bringing results to more and more people, and the risks of working with me are lower with each customer I bring on board.

If you’re prospecting stats aren’t where you want them to be, then sign up for my weekly newsletter, or go check one of my programs in the footer below.



P.S. When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you.
  1. Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (230+ students)
  2. Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (40+)
  3. Book me 1:1 or for your team here
  4. (NEW!) Sponsor my newsletter & get 3K+ eyeballs on your ad!

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