How I use ChatGPT to research 10-K reports

In today’s newsletter, I will share exactly how I use ChatGPT to research 10-K reports and other corporate documents. By following this system, you can identify key initiatives for your prospects and start more conversations.

Here’s the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Install the AskYourPDF plugin on ChatGPT

Browsing through 10-K reports can be incredibly tedious and time-consuming. However, with the AskYourPDF plugin for ChatGPT, you can give ChatGPT the ability to browse a PDF document. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Open ChatGPT.
  2. Sign up for the Pro plan.
  3. Go to your settings, access the Beta features, and enable Plugins.
  4. Go to the plugin store, search for AskYourPDF, and install it.

After installing the plugin, you will be able to select AskYourPDF in the conversations where you need it.

Image #1

Step 2: Summarize the 10-K report

Now that ChatGPT can read PDFs, you can ask it to summarize a 10-K report or any PDF document. Summarizing the report can help you extract key points about a company you are interested in prospecting.

For instance, if you were prospecting Amazon as a SoSafe sales rep, you could use the following prompt:

Here is the PDF to the 10K report of Amazon:

Act like a financial analyst and summarize the key points of this report.”

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Step 3: Zoom in on a key topic

The summary’s results are good, but they don’t provide anything specific about cybersecurity and the risks associated with the online behavior of the organization’s 1.541.000 employees. As a result, I continued my discussion with ChatGPT and used the following prompt:

“Is there any data about their cybersecurity policy?”

And this is the result I got:

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Step 4: Find a specific trigger

Now, this is something I can work with, but I want more details. That’s why I asked ChatGPT to help me locate the section so I can read more about it.

“Got it, where can I read more about the 2 points you mentioned?”

Image #5

I used the Command+F function to search for “security breaches” and found the following sentence:

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Step 5: Build your message

Now you can use the highlighted information to write a cold email with a messaging framework. Check out this resource for some examples: 4 Outbound Message Frameworks You Should Try Right Now.

Mary, I’ve been scrolling through Amazon’s 10-K report for 2022 and I found something interesting (highlighted in the picture below).

Curious to know what you’re doing to prevent this from happening.

If you’re interested, I can share a short playbook to help minimize the risky online behaviour of your 1.541.000 employees.


And these are the 5 steps I follow to research 10-K reports with ChatGPT:

  • Step 1: Install the AskYourPDF plugin on ChatGPT
  • Step 2: Summarize the 10-K report
  • Step 3: Zoom in on a key topic
  • Step 4: Find a specific trigger
  • Step 5: Build your message

Hope this helps.


Thibaut Souyris

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you.

Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (800+ waitlisters and customers)

Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (250+ students)

Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (55+)

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