
How I manage my time as a remote sales guy

How I manage my time as a remote sales guy

In today’s issue, I’ll share how I manage my time as a remote sales guy. When selling remotely, it can get really hard to create a clear physical and mental boundary between your professional and your personal life. You end up working when you should be with your family, or doing chores when you should be working.

I’ll tell you about what you should focus on, how to set boundaries when working remotely, and what tools you can use to protect your time.

Why managing your time is so hard when selling remotely

Back in 2020, I got forced (like everyone else) to work from home. I wasn’t expecting to have difficulties managing my time, but after a few weeks running in circle, I started getting anxious.

At first I didn’t realize it, but the creeping anxiety came from not having a strict routine and no boundary between my work and my personal life. I was sleeping, working, eating, doing sports in the same place, and it drove me crazy.

That’s when I decided to build a routine to build a mental boundary between the important aspects of my life.

Here’s how, step-by-step:

Step 1: Focus on critical activities first

When working in sales, you have different types of tasks and activities. Some are proactive (like prospecting), some are reactive (like taking an impromptu call with a prospect). I recommend listing all the activities that you typically do in one day, and rank them by priority.

Here are my typically sales activities during the day, ranked from most critical to least critical:

  • Prospecting
  • Running discovery calls
  • Following up with active opportunities

First thing I do in the morning is prospecting. I spend 30 to 60 minutes following up with prospects, finding new prospects, and contacting them. Then I have a slot where I group all the discovery calls of my day (typically after the prospecting block). When it’s done, I focus on moving deals further (and disqualifying).

Step 2: Set clear boundaries

When I know what my critical activities are, I create a daily ritual to make sure I’m not getting distracted by other reactive tasks.

For example, I’ll block 60 minutes from 8AM to 9AM for prospecting. I also have a “Sacred Hour” block every day from 11AM to 1PM so I can focus on deep work tasks (the ones where I need to be ultra-focused). Here’s what my calendar looks like:

Image #1

As you can see, I also keep some time open in my calendar for all the reactive tasks (customer calls, emergencies, etc.).

I’m also over-blocking. I typically need 30 minutes max for my prospecting, but I keep a 60-minute blocker. Same for the sacred hour. I don’t need 2 hours of deep work every day, but I keep the 120-minute blocker. This helps me create a buffer between each tasks so I can breath, or work on something really important that day, without worrying about being booked by a customer (or manager if you have a boss).

Step 3: Use tools to protect your time

Finally, I use a few productivity tools to help me stay on track. Here are the ones I use to manage my calendar:

  • Google Calendar: To manage my day and integrate with all other sales tools
  • Calendly: To help customers book meetings in my calendar
  • Chili Piper: Recommend when working as a team

These tools are critical to make sure my time is protected. I’m able to do a bit of all the tasks needed during the day, while keeping control of my schedule. If you’re getting started, Google Calendar has the basic features you need to keep control of your day, so you don’t need to invest a ton into your tech stack.

And this is how I manage my time as a remote sales guy. I audit my day (check this free tool if you want to audit yours), I set clear boundaries, and I use tools to protect my time.

Hope this helps.


Thibaut Souyris

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Tactical Selling

How to use Claude to build a solid prospecting routine

How to use Claude to build a solid prospecting routine

In today’s issue, I’ll share 3 simple steps to build a solid prospecting routine, using Claude (or ChatGPT). Many salespeople are trying to scale their outreach with the AI tools that are available to them. As a result, prospects get SPAMMED with tons of soulless cold emails, LinkedIn messages, or even LinkedIn comments. It’s tiring for everyone, and we end up asking ourselves if this AI thing is not just a bubble.

Here’s are 3 concrete steps you can follow to build your prospecting routine with Claude:

Step 1: Explain your problem to Claude

When working with an AI, your first step is to explain what you want from this AI. A good way to explain your problem is to follow this 4-step framework:

  • Context: Give context about your situation, and what’s your problem
  • Role: Give the AI a specific role
  • Task: Give a task to the AI
  • Format: Format the way the AI will ask you questions

Here’s an example I used, to help me build a prospecting routine if I was an AE who got asked to start doing outbound:

Image #1

Don’t be afraid to give a ton of details about your situation and what you want.

Step 2: Answer Claude’s questions

After asking this question to Claude, it’s going to ask your 3 questions, one question at a time (if you formatted the questions properly). Here’s the first question I got, based, on the prompt I shared earlier, with my answer:

Image #2

You can see I reply to Claude as if it was a coach.

Here are the question + my answer:

Image #3

And the final question and answer:

Image #4

Step 3: Review your plan

Based on my answers, Claude will generate a plan to help me build a prospecting routine as a busy AE who’s not super excited about doing outbound prospecting. Here’s the plan:

Image #5
Image #6

I don’t know about you, but I really like this plan. The AI asked me some excellent questions about my day, and it came up with a solid high-level plan to get started with my outbound prospecting.

That’s what most salespeople don’t understand when working with AI. It’s only as good as the training (the initial prompt) you give it. If you go through the whole conversation, you see that I’m actually the one giving it the answers (which is what coaching is all about).

Give it a try and let me know how it works. Hope this helps!


Thibaut Souyris

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Tactical Selling

A beginner’s guide to remote sales: Everything you need to know to be successful selling remotely

A beginner’s guide to remote sales: Everything you need to know to be successful selling remotely

Hi there, it’s Thibaut.

Welcome to the Remote Sales Playbook.

In this newsletter, I primarily cover:

  • How to create solid prospecting systems and routines (that get your 30%+ reply rates)
  • Concrete tactics to qualify deals, close them faster, while wasting less time with unqualified prospects
  • Tips, tactics, and strategies to help you work when, where, and how you want (as a remote salesperson)

But I’ve been writing this newsletter for a while now, over 3 years!

And I want to make it as easy as possible for you to find issues that are most relevant to you.

So, here are some of my favorite issues… organized by topic.

How to create solid prospecting systems and routines (that get your 30%+ reply rates)

The topic I probably write about this most is prospecting.

So, if you’re looking to finally get prospects to pay attention to your messages and/or reach your prospecting targets I’d start here:

Concrete tactics to qualify deals, close them faster, while wasting less time with unqualified prospects

Another topic I write about frequently is closing. How to turn a stranger into a customer.

So, if you’re looking to stop wasting time on tire kickers and/or reach your sales targets, I’d start here:

Tips, tactics, and strategies to help you work when, where, and how you want (as a remote salesperson)

Finally, a personal favorite topic of mine is independence. I love sharing tips to help salespeople diversify their income streams, and get more freedom.

So, if you’re looking to start building a life in your own terms and/or diversify your income, I’d start here:

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Tactical Selling

The Ultimate LinkedIn Connection Request Guide – 2025 Edition

The Ultimate LinkedIn Connection Request Guide – 2025 Edition

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share my updated LinkedIn Connection Request Guide. LinkedIn connection requests are incredibly powerful for salespeople when used the right way. But most are using them to pitch slap their prospects, and they miss an opportunity to start real conversations.

Here’s how you can solve that, step-by-step:

Step 1: Optimize your LinkedIn profile

Before sending a connection request, you need to make sure your LinkedIn profile is optimized for prospecting. A lot of profiles look like trophy shelves, or provide zero information on how they can help prospects solve important problems.

Here’s what you need:

  • A professional profile picture (use Secta to create one with AI)
  • A clear headline (what you do, who you help, what’s the outcome of working with you)
  • A catchy LinkedIn banner (this guy did mine)
  • An optimized featured section (a free resource to help prospects + link to your calendar link)

Don’t miss this detailed guide to optimizing your LinkedIn profile.

Step 2: Understand the connection request process

Most people use LinkedIn on their mobile phones. There’s just one problem; 99% of salespeople prospect with their computers. Here’s what your connection requests look like on both formats:

Image #1

Mobile view

Image #2

Desktop view

As you can see, the request is composed of a few elements:

  1. A profile picture
  2. A name
  3. A headline
  4. Connections you have in common
  5. Ignore/Accept option
  6. A note (optional)

With that in mind, you need to optimize a few things.

First, your profile picture needs to be professional (simple, clear headshot, without distractions in the background). You also need to make sure everyone can see your picture in your visibility settings.

Second, you full name must be visible to everyone. Go to your visibility settings to make sure your full name is visible. Your headline also plays an important role in helping prospects identify if you can help them.

Having connections in common is a key factor in deciding to accept or ignore the connection request. The more people you have in common, the more likely you are to get accepted.

In most cases, prospects will decide to accept or ignore your request based on these 5 criteria, but sometimes they’ll dig into your LinkedIn profile, so make sure to check step 1 to optimize it.

Step 3: Decide when to add a note to the request (or not)

If you can add a relevant note to your connection request, you’re more likely to get it accepted, and to receive answers from your prospects.

However, most people write platitudes in their connection request like “Saw we attended the same school” or “We are the leading provider of…”.

To avoid that, I always use a trigger. A trigger is a publicly available information that indicates someone may have a problem you can solve, or an interest in chatting with you.

Here is a list of triggers I use regularly:

Image #3

When you have found your trigger, you can insert it in your connection request. This will give additional context to your prospects and help them decide if they should accept or ignore your invitation.

Here’s a simple framework you can use to insert the trigger you have found in your connection request:

  • Trigger: A problem-oriented piece of information – John, noticed you also liked Charlotte’s post about boring hybrid events.
  • Question: A question related to the trigger – What do you think of the solution she proposed?

With this simple framework, you stay under 300 characters (the limit for a connection request note), and you increase your chances of starting a conversation when your prospects accept a request.

Sometimes you may not have a relevant trigger to use in your connection request note. If that’s the case, do not add anything.

When you add a note to your connection request, you add more mental work for your prospects to determine what to do with the request. If the note is ultra-relevant and personalized, you’ll increase your acceptance rate. If it’s slightly generic, your acceptance rate will sink.

The golden rule of LinkedIn connection requests it: If you don’t have anything relevant to say, don’t say anything.

And these are the 3 steps you need to keep in mind as you send connection requests on LinkedIn in 2025. Optimize your profile as a landing page, understand the process, and decide when to add a note.

Hope this helps.


Thibaut Souyris

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Tactical Selling

What to focus on as you’re restarting your prospecting in 2025

What to focus on as you’re restarting your prospecting in 2025

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share what you should be focusing on as you restart your prospecting in 2025. If you took some time off (I did), you most likely stopped sending prospecting messages to your prospects, and restarting can be a struggle.

The struggle is even harder in 2025, as outbound results have massively dropped in 2024. Here are 3 steps to help you restart and focus on what you can.

Step 1: Optimize for open rate and connection requests

Most salespeople have the wrong expectations when it comes to prospecting. They think they can send a few emails here and there, and they’ll be able to book meetings quickly. That cannot be farther from the truth, especially when you stopped reaching out for a few weeks.

When restarting your prospecting, the most important is to focus on leading indicators of success. Here are two you can’t ignore:

  • Email Open Rate: This indicator shows how your domain is performing, and the quality of your subject line. If it’s low, you may have an issue with your domain (check Maildoso to fix it), or your subject lines suck (fix it here).
  • Connection Requests Acceptance Rate: When working with LinkedIn, the first thing to focus on is your connection requests. If your requests aren’t accepted, you won’t be able to keep prospecting that person on LinkedIn. You can fix your connection requests here.

Run your sequence for 2 weeks to get enough data before moving on to step 2.

Step 2: Optimize for replies

When your email open rates and LinkedIn connection requests acceptance rate are at an acceptable level, you know your prospecting does its first job: get the attention of your prospects.

But attention isn’t enough to book meetings, you need to get replies. Most salespeople write their prospecting messages with the goal of booking a meeting, or closing a deal. That’s the biggest mistake I keep seeing, customer after customer.

You can fix this by working on your messaging, and making it intriguing so people reply to learn more. I call that The Netflix Effect, and your goal is to get prospects to reply to solve a specific problem, with a specific solution. Go check my Prospecting Template Swipe File if you want concrete examples.

Run your updated sequence for 2 weeks to get enough data before moving on to step 3.

Step 3: Optimize for meetings

When your sequence generates replies, you’ve done the hardest part. Now you can start working on turning these replies into meetings. Unlike what most people think, meetings aren’t booked in your prospecting messages, but in the conversations you’re running.

You need to navigate the conversation to turn it into a meeting. Here’s how it’s done:

  • Step 1: Use a problem question
  • Step 2: Tease a reciprocity resource
  • Step 3: Ask for feedback
  • Step 4: Use a negative-reversing question
  • Step 5: Drop a meeting link

You can check my detailed guide to get more details on turning replies into meetings.

And these are the 3 steps I recommend you follow as you’re restarting your prospecting in 2025. Keep in mind that your month of January won’t be representative of the rest of 2025, as you’re ramping up your prospecting.

And if you need a concrete system to help you do just that, go check my Prospecting Engine (it’s 25% off until Friday the 10th of January).

Hope this helps.


Thibaut Souyris

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My 2024 wrapped up

My 2024 wrapped up

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share my retrospective on 2024, what worked, and what didn’t. This will be more personal than other newsletters, but I promise I’ll get back to more sales-oriented newsletter after this one.

Let’s dive in:

Q1: Business as usual

Q1 2024 was quite similar to most Q1s since I started working for myself. I launched The Prospecting Engine. With 65 customers and around $20,000 in sales, I was pretty happy about the results.

I also ran a few sponsored posts, and trained a few sales teams with the content of The Prospecting Engine. In terms of revenues, the first quarter was pretty similar to most other first quarters.

Q2: Darkness

At the beginning of Q2, we went back to France after spending 3 months in Mexico. My wife was pregnant of 6 months, and everything was all right. That was until we went for the third trimester echography, right before our flight back to France.

We discovered that our daughter had a life-threatening malformation, which made it impossible for her to live.

We lost our baby.

This was the worst time of my life. From April to June, my wife and I fell into a dark hole, and our lives were completely turned upside down. We kept working to numb the pain, but it was impossible to function normally in these few weeks after loosing our baby.

If you’re ever in this situation (or was), and you need to talk to someone, please reach out, you’re not alone.

Q3: Doubt

As a result of these tough 3 months, I wasn’t able to create quality content like I used to. Couple that with the summer, an algorithm change, and my LinkedIn performance tanked. I went from having 50+ reactions on my posts to 2, 3 reactions.

It was hard.

But I started recording videos for LinkedIn, worked on my copywriting, and my post engagement came back to a normal level. I also noticed that my engagement fell, but I was still able to turn conversations into revenues (coaching, online courses, sponsoring, etc.).

I also worked really hard on a course called Close Your First Side Gig. I set up a segmentation survey on my website, I ran interviews with salespeople who wanted to work for themselves, and I created a waitlist.

This launch was a flop. I made less than $600.

Q4: Rebuilding

Q4 was much better than the rest of the year. My wife became pregnant again (we’re having a boy in May 2025), and we moved to Mexico. We decided to leave France because our life there wasn’t nearly as fun an interesting as what we’re building in Mexico. We’ve been there for 3 months and we’ve experienced more than in two years in France.

I have also launched a 1:1 coaching subscription where my customers and I work together for 1 hour per week, while having unlimited WhatsApp access to me.

Another great success of 2024 has been the revenue I was able to generate for affiliate partners. In total I generated over $96,000 of revenues for my partners in less than a year. If you want to discuss how we can do this together, go check my sponsor page. I’m looking for long term sponsors for my newsletter and a new show I’m launching next year.

In conclusion, 2024 was the worst year of my life. My wife and I have been through hell, and our professional lives have suffered immensely. 2024 has also been the worst year in terms of revenues since I started my business in 2018. But in all that darkness, it was a year of learnings, transition, and resilience.

I have learned that nothing is constant, and you need to keep reinventing yourself if you want to keep paying your bills. I’m now more grateful for what I have, and I cherish every moment I get to spend with people I love, while building my business.

Happy New Year to you and your family!


Thibaut Souyris

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5 steps to restarting your prospecting in 2025

5 steps to restarting your prospecting in 2025

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share the exact system I’m using to restart my prospecting as I’m back from the holiday break. If you can replicate these steps, you’ll already be ahead of your fellow sales reps, as they are emerging from the holiday season without a plan.

Here’s how, step-by-step:

Step 1: Define your ICP and their problems

Start by building your ICP matrix. The ICP matrix is composed of your Ideal Customer Company (ICC) in columns, and your Ideal Customer Title (ICT) in rows. Your ICC is the type of company you’d like to go after, and the ICT is the type of job title you’d like to go for.

When your ICP matrix is done, focus on understanding the problems of your prospects. If you need to go further, I recommend checking the Cold Message System.

Step 2: Find where they hang out

Humans are social creatures, and they typically hang out with other humans who have the same interests. Nowadays, they mostly do it online, on social networks.

For most salespeople, LinkedIn is a great place to find prospects, and identify triggers to help them start conversations.

I recommend following these 4 steps to identify where your prospects hang out, and create personalized messages at scale.

Step 3: Enrich data

Now that you know where to find your prospects, you need to find the correct emails and phone numbers of your prospects, on top of their LinkedIn profiles. You can use the Kaspr extension to do so (+ you’ll get 25 free mobile credits when you sign up with my link).

Step 4: Build a problem centric sequence

You now have all the information you need to start reaching out to your prospects. Before doing so, you need to build a sequence to maximize your reply rate. I did a quick video to help you create a sequence from scratch, with ChatGPT.

When the sequence is ready, you’ll need to use messages that stand out from the hundreds of outbound touchpoints your prospects have to deal with. Here’s a collection of top-performing templates.

Step 5: Restart your daily prospecting routine

All these steps will result in nothing if you don’t create a daily prospecting habit. This step is by far the most challenging, since humans have a hard time building and keeping healthy habits.

I recommend doing the following:

  • Step 1: Identify the time when you’re the most productive
  • Step 2: Put a recurring blocker of 60 minutes
  • Step 3: Follow the steps in this short guide
  • Step 4: Repeat until it becomes a habit (at least 21 consecutive days)

You can also try my Prospecting Engine if you need a more in-depth guide.

And these are the 5 steps I am currently following to restart my prospecting for 2025. Here’s a quick video example I did last year if you want to learn more.

 If you follow these 5 steps, you’ll be in good position to grab your prospects’ attention, engage them in conversations, and book meetings with people who are trying to solve a problem you can help with.

Hope this helps.



P.S. When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help you:

→ Sponsor my content & get 46K+ eyeballs on your ad

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I’m now an Intro expert

I’m now an Intro expert

Today’s newsletter is a bit different. It’s almost the end of the year and I thought I’d share a quick update I’m really excited about. A few weeks ago, I stumbled on a post from Justin Welsh, where he shared his Intro link.

Image #1

If you don’t know about Intro, it’s a marketplace where you can book a 1:1 video consultation with top experts from all types of industries. When I saw Justin’s profile, I thought this concept was a great idea and I immediately tried to create a profile.

But there was an issue.

You have to apply to become an expert on Intro. So I submitted my application, without much hope.

And after 2 weeks, I received this email:

Image #2

I was over the moon. When I joined the call with Austin, I learned that there was 18.000+ people on the waitlist to become an expert, so I’m super flattered I got invited.

But you may wonder why I’m so happy, when I already give 1:1 video consultations. I’m actually focusing on something a bit different than sales coaching with Intro.

For 6 years now, I’ve been working for myself and building a life a lot of people are dreaming to build. I work when I want, where I want, and I don’t have a boss telling me what to do. I was able to build my work around my life, and not the way around.

These Intro consultations are priced way higher than my sales consultations because I want to work with people who are serious about building a life in their own terms. I understand that not everyone is ready to do so, and that’s absolutely fine. If you’re not serious about escaping the hamster wheel, please don’t book a session.

But if you feel ready to bet on yourself, I’d love to give you some guidance on what you can do, right now, in a 1:1 consultation.

Hope to see you in there.


Thibaut Souyris

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3 steps to close a deal today

3 steps to close a deal today

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share 3 concrete steps you can follow to close a deal today. Salespeople (especially Enterprise salespeople) love to explain how their sales processes are different, how it’s impossible to close a deal without involving all the stakeholders, etc, etc.

No matter what you sell, if you follow the 3 steps I’m about to share with you, you’ll close deals a lot faster. In fact, I closed one myself (I’ll admit, it was a small deal) in one day. Here’s the WhatsApp conversation I had:

Let’s dive in:

Step 1: Ask when they can make a decision

This question is the simplest to ask, yet most salespeople are afraid to ask it. Whenever you’re working on a deal (at any stage of the sales process), ask your prospects this exact question:

“When can you make a decision?”

This will uncover so many hidden blockers of a deal, and it’s the ultimate question to ask to understand if you’re speaking to someone with enough authority to put their signature on the contract.

If they can’t make a decision, you’re not talking to someone who can help you close a deal today. When that happens, you need to find out who’s the real boss, otherwise your deal is at risk of not closing.

Step 2: Propose to close the deal today

If the prospect can make a decision, ask them what it would take to close the deal today. Don’t ask to close it tomorrow, next week, or in two weeks. Ask what it would take to close it TODAY.

This is another good test to understand if you’re speaking to a real decision-maker. If they are serious about working with you, they won’t let a good deal go away and they’ll close it today. If they aren’t serious, they’ll take their time.

When you ask someone with authority what it takes to close a deal today, you’re the closest you can be to reading their minds.

Step 3: Assess and negotiate

If you followed steps 1 and 2, you’ll get a list of conditions to get the deal closed today. If the deal is good for you, you can accept it right away and lock in the signature (or the bank transfer). If the deal isn’t good, then you need to enter in negotiation mode.

Come back with a counter offer and see if the prospect is willing to play (it becomes a game at that point). Repeat until you find an agreement with the prospect.

One key point in this whole process is to never forget that it’s better to get $1.000 today than a potential $1.200 tomorrow. So many things can go wrong in 24 hours, which is why the saying “Time kills all deals” is a reality you need to keep in your mind when working in sales.

And these are 3 steps you can follow to close a deal today. Remember to always ask when they can make a decision, ask what it would take to close a deal today, and assess and negotiate until you come to an agreement.

Hope this helps.


Thibaut Souyris

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How to avoid burning out as a remote salesperson

How to avoid burning out as a remote salesperson

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share a simple tool to help reduce the risk of burning out when working as a remote salesperson. 2024 hasn’t been easy, especially for remote salespeople. Around 2/3 of salespeople are expected to miss their sales targets this year, adding a lot of pressure to their lives.

We’ve all been there. You wake up one day, and you instantly start getting anxious. You know you have a ton of things to do, but you have no clue how you’re going to do them when there are so few hours in the day. Even worse, you know that your to-do list is growing bigger every day.

You start your day with this dark cloud over your head. You can’t stop thinking of what have to do, which makes you less present and more anxious. I know about it because I experienced it when we moved to Mexico in September.

This is where a Mind Sweep will help. A Mind Sweep is a simple exercise I discovered when I purchased Notion Mastery, a few years ago.

Here’s how it’s done, step-by-step:

Step 1: Capture your thoughts

Start by writing down all of your thoughts. You don’t need to get them structured, or prioritized. Just list everything you have on your mind. It can be professional or personal. It doesn’t matter, as long as you’re capturing it.

I don’t know about you, but I often get stressed or anxious because I know I need to do something, but I’m afraid I’ll forget to do it. Something simple like paying the electric bill, or following up with a customer. I know I need to do it, but if I don’t write it down, or act on it, I start worrying.

As the day goes by, I feel anxious, but I forget why I’m anxious. I spend more time thinking of why I’m anxious, and I can’t remember why. Then I become angry, stressed, and soon enough, I’m unbearable.

By capturing your thoughts, you go from worrying about what you have to do, to knowing that your thoughts are captured, and you just need to go back to your mind sweep to see what you have to do.

Here’s an example from my Mind Sweep for Sales:

Image #1

Step 2: List projects and tasks

When you’re done capturing your thoughts, you can start breaking them down into projects and tasks. Projects include multiple tasks and they are bigger initiatives. It’s always important to use action verbs and being really specific with your tasks.

Something like “reach my quota” isn’t specific. “Build a 30-day plan to close Q4 at 110%” is specific.

Here’s an example of what I captured above turned into projects and tasks.

Image #2

As you can see, some of the tasks and projects weren’t even captured initially. That’s the power of turning ideas into projects. It helps you go deeper and create a complete to-do list.

Step 3: Prioritize projects and tasks

Now that you have clear projects and tasks, you can start prioritizing them. I like to use two types of prioritization frameworks. One for for projects and another one for tasks.

For projects, I’ll use Top Prio, Mid Prio, Low Prio. This gives you a clear indication of where you’ll need to focus in the next 30 to 90 days. When you’re done prioritizing projects, you can use the Now, Next, last framework for tasks.

Here’s an example to help you understand:

Image #3

This is how I turn an immense to-do list into a concrete plan. A Mind Sweep is an exercise I recommend doing as soon as you’re feeling anxious or stressed because of your workload. You can use this Mind Sweep for Sales I have created, or use my link to grab Notion Mastery if you want to do a complete overhaul of the way you manage your life.

Hope this helps.


Thibaut Souyris

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