Tactical Selling

5 steps to restarting your prospecting in 2024

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Kaspr, contact details for your prospects in one click. Download the chrome extension for free and get instant access to accurate mobile numbers and email addresses. Get an extra 25 mobile credits for free using my link.

5 steps to restarting your prospecting in 2024

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share the exact system I’m using to restart my prospecting as I’m back from the holiday break. If you can replicate these steps, you’ll already be ahead of your fellow sales reps, as they are emerging from the holiday season without a plan.

Here’s how, step-by-step:

Step 1: Define your ICP and their problems

Start by building your ICP matrix. The ICP matrix is composed of your Ideal Customer Company (ICC) in columns, and your Ideal Customer Title (ICT) in rows. Your ICC is the type of company you’d like to go after, and the ICT is the type of job title you’d like to go for.

When your ICP matrix is done, focus on understanding the problems of your prospects. If you need to go further, I recommend checking the Cold Message System.

Step 2: Find where they hang out

Humans are social creatures, and they typically hang out with other humans who have the same interests. Nowadays, they mostly do it online, on social networks.

For most salespeople, LinkedIn is a great place to find prospects, and identify triggers to help them start conversations.

I recommend following these 4 steps to identify where your prospects hang out, and create personalized messages at scale.

Step 3: Enrich data

Now that you know where to find your prospects, you need to find the correct emails and phone numbers of your prospects, on top of their LinkedIn profiles. You can use the Kaspr extension to do so (+ you’ll get 25 free mobile credits when you sign up with my link).

Step 4: Build a problem centric sequence

You now have all the information you need to start reaching out to your prospects. Before doing so, you need to build a sequence to maximize your reply rate. I did a quick video to help you create a sequence from scratch, with ChatGPT.

When the sequence is ready, you’ll need to use messages that stand out from the hundreds of outbound touchpoints your prospects have to deal with. Here’s a collection of top-performing templates.

Step 5: Restart your daily prospecting routine

All these steps will result in nothing if you don’t create a daily prospecting habit. This step is by far the most challenging, since humans have a hard time building and keeping healthy habits.

I recommend doing the following:

  • Step 1: Identify the time when you’re the most productive
  • Step 2: Put a recurring blocker of 60 minutes
  • Step 3: Follow the steps in this short guide
  • Step 4: Repeat until it becomes a habit (at least 21 consecutive days)

You can also try my New Outreach System if you need a more in-depth guide.

And these are the 5 steps I am currently following to restart my prospecting for 2024. Here’s a quick video example if you want to learn more.

 If you follow these 5 steps, you’ll be in good position to grab your prospects’ attention, engage them in conversations, and book meetings with people who are trying to solve a problem you can help with.

Hope this helps.



P.S. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you:

→ Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (190+ students)
→ Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (300+ students)

Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (90+ students)

→ Sponsor my content & get 41K+ eyeballs on your ad

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

Tactical Selling

My 2024 (sales) resolutions

Today’s newsletter is sponsored by:

My new course, The Prospecting Engine. It’s going live on the 31st of January 2024, but you can already join the waitlist and learn more about it here.

My 2024 (sales) resolutions

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share my sales resolutions for 2024. With this last newsletter of the year, I’ll share what happened in 2023, what are the lessons I learned, and what I’m planning to do in 2024 to reach these goals.

Let’s dive in:

Resolution #1: Grow my online course sales to $75.000

2023 was a pivotal year for my family. We moved from Berlin to South of France with my wife and my son, and I wanted to find more time to focus on what I love doing; take care of my family and grow a business where I can choose what I do with my time, without having to worry (too much) about money.

Doing so means having options, and online courses are a good way to create value for my customers, while decoupling this value from my time.

I started selling online courses in October 2021, so I have over two years of historical data to forecast 2024. In 2022, I did over $29.000 in online courses, in 2023, over $47.400, and I’m planning to reach $75.000+ in 2024.

Here’s how I’ll do it:

  • Keep offering The New Outreach System, The AI Outreach System, The Cold Message System to people who are looking for a specific prospecting outcome (grab these courses for 50% off with code “NEWYEAR” on checkout)
  • Launch The Prospecting Engine to reliably equip salespeople with the knowledge and systems necessary to start conversations, book meetings, and generate a healthy pipeline in 2024 and beyond.
  • Offer different support options for people who buy my courses (1:1 coaching, peer-to-peer community, monthly office hours)

I’m pretty excited for 2024, seeing the growth in online courses I saw between 2022 and 2023.

Resolution #2: Support my students with a community

If you’ve been following me for a while, you may remember my community, The T-shaped Sales Community. It started as a Discord group, before being rebranded Selling Advantage, only to loose momentum and stop after about a year.

At the time, I didn’t have the systems and the knowledge to run a community that would be useful to salespeople.

But in 2024, being able to exchange with peers on what works and what doesn’t when it comes to booking meetings is essential. I want my courses to produce tangible results for everyone who purchases them, and a lot of my customers need more than just videos to apply their learnings.

This community will be different from the previous one. It will be focused on getting students who purchased my courses a place where they can interact with other students, with monthly group office hours with me (and the recordings if they can’t make it).

If you’re intrigued by it, then join the waitlist of The Prospecting Engine. The Community and the course will go live on the 31st of January 2024.

Resolution #3: Close highly profitable sponsoring deals to help my students

In summer 2023, I started experimenting with sponsoring options for people and businesses who wanted to get their products in front of my 41K+ audience. I initially offered sponsored LinkedIn posts and sponsored newsletters.

This was a simple way to monetize my content, but I’m now working on longer, more profitable sponsoring deals with people and business who can create immense value for my audience and customers.

A good example of that is a sponsoring campaign including multiple sponsored LinkedIn posts (still tactic with a specific outcome), multiple newsletter sponsoring, and a co-branded lead magnet.

If you’re interested in discussing these options, go check my sponsoring page.

And these are my 3 sales resolutions for 2024. I’m really excited to keep building Tactical Selling, and I want to wish you a Happy New Year.


Thibaut Souyris

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you:

→ Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (190+ students)
→ Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (300+ students)

Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (90+ students)

→ Sponsor my content & get 41K+ eyeballs on your ad

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

Tactical Selling

My top 3 prospecting tactics of 2023

Today’s newsletter is sponsored by:

My new course, The Prospecting Engine. It’s going live on the 31st of January 2024, but you can already join the waitlist and learn more about it here.

My top 3 prospecting tactics of 2023

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share my top 3 prospecting tactics of 2023. I tried over 23 different outbound messages and tactics in 2023, and the following ones got me the most replies and meetings.

Let’s dive in.

Tactic 1: Direct Approach

The Direct Approach can be used as a LinkedIn connection request, a direct message, or even an email. I personally booked 12 meetings with this framework, when I was looking for sponsors for my content.

Here’s how it is structured:

  • Trigger: {First Name} mentioned that your worked together on {Common Work}.
  • Opposed: Would you be opposed to {desired outcome}?


  • Trigger: Joe, Morgan mentioned that you worked together on a campaign.
  • Opposed: Would you be opposed to putting Kaspr in front of my 40k+ audience?

This framework is effective because it begins with a personalized element (the trigger), piques the curiosity of the prospect by presenting an opportunity to solve a problem, and encourages a response if the prospect is interested.

Tactic 2: Do the maths

Do The Maths is an amazing framework, inspired by a post from Kaitlin Conner.

Here’s how it is structured:

  • Trigger: {First Name}, noticed {quantified public information}.
  • Quick pitch: We help {similar businesses} reduce {key metric}.
  • Calculation: With a typical {cost of key metric}, this would mean going from {current state to better state}, resulting in {quantified savings}.
  • CTA: Worth a chat?


  • Trigger: Mary, noticed you have over 50 open positions on your job portal.
  • Quick pitch: We help tech scale ups reduce their new employee churn from 30% to 10% or less.
  • Calculation: With a typical cost of mis-hire around $30,000 per employee, this would mean going from 15 mis-hires to 5, resulting in $300,000 saved.
  • CTA: Worth a chat?

This framework works so well because it shows your prospect that you have done your homework, and you have a quantified idea of their problems. If they are trying to solve this problem, your message will stand out.

Tactic 3: PS

PS is a framework I heard about in this post from Charlotte Johnson.

Here’s how it’s structured:

  • Question: {First Name}, curious to know how you’re preventing {problem with negative consequence}.
  • Teaser: If you’re interested, I can share a {resource to solve negative consequence}.
  • CTA: Sounds interesting?
  • PS: Saw you’re {personal information on LinkedIn profile}.


  • Question: Eric, curious to know how you’re preventing your new hires from taking too much time to go through their onboarding.
  • Teaser: If you’re interested, I can share a short, 3-step playbook on fixing your onboarding process.
  • CTA: Sounds interesting?
  • PS: Saw you’re also a sommelier. Big fan of wines from Languedoc-Roussillon myself. Ever tasted one?

This frameworks is really powerful because you can mention something personal in the PS, without having to worry if it is relevant with the problem of your prospect. It humanizes your outreach, and makes you stand out.

These are my top 3 outbound prospecting tactics of 2023. They contributed to the following outbound prospecting results in 2023:

  • Prospects contacted: 633
  • Prospects replied: 294 (46.45% reply rate)
  • Meetings booked: 66 (22.45% meeting rate)
  • Opportunities generated: 34 (51.52% opportunity rate)

If you’re interested in discovering the exact system I used to get these results, then join over 130 salespeople in the waitlist of my 2024 course, The Prospecting Engine.

Hope this helps.



P.S. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you:

→ Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (190+ students)
→ Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (300+ students)

Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (90+ students)

→ Sponsor my content & get 41K+ eyeballs on your ad

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

Tactical Selling

3 steps to building a lead list for 2024

Today’s newsletter is sponsored by:

My new course, The Prospecting Engine. It’s going live on the 31st of January 2024, but you can already join the waitlist and learn more about it here.

3 steps to building a lead list for 2024

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share 3 steps you can follow if you’re trying to build a solid lead list for 2024. If you follow these steps, you’ll find the right type of prospects, enrich their profile with all the data you need to contact them, and set yourself for success in 2024.

First, let me introduce you to a tool called the ICP matrix (you can find it the New Outreach System):

Image #1

It’s composed of 3 columns where I define my ICCs (Ideal Customer Companies). Then we have rows where I define my ICTs (Ideal Customer Titles).

Let’s zoom in on the ICC.

Step 1: Define your Ideal Customer Company

In the example above, I picked 3 different ICCs so I could test multiple types of companies and create sequences based on these specific companies.

To define an ICC, you need to create a list of objective firmographic criteria. Typical criteria include revenues, funding type, headcount, industry, location, etc.

Subjective criteria should be avoided. For example, a “mission-driven company” isn’t an objective criteria. It would be hard to build a list based on this criteria, as the interpretation of mission-driven can be different from people to people.

Here’s an example using amplemarket’s Searcher:

Image #2

Step 2: Define your Ideal Customer Title

Now that I have a few ICCs, I can focus on the ICTs. I use the ProActive Selling methodology to differentiate between 3 types of buyers.

The first type is Above The Line (ATL) buyers. ATLs are your typical fiscal buyers. They are often VP or C-Level, and they focus on:

  • risk
  • ROI
  • costs

The second type is Below The Line (BTL) buyers. BTLs are your user/technical buyers. Often Head of, Directors, Managers. They focus on:

  • how your solution works
  • how can it help getting them a promotion
  • how it saves them/their team’s time

The third type is optional. I call them influencers. These people are not actively involved in making a buying decision, but they can positively or negatively influence your deals.

For example, when you sell a solution that has to be integrated into a mobile app (called an SDK), you have to have a developer integrating it. In some cases, developers will refuse to integrate an SDK, even if the ATL and BTL have decided they would do it.

Here’s an example search from amplemarket’s Searcher:

Image #3

Step 3: Build a list for each segment

Now that you have a clear ICP matrix, you can create a lead list for each segment (one per box of the matrix). For example, if I apply the criteria of the top left box of the matrix, these are the filters I use:

Image #4

And this is an extract of what I found with amplemarket:

Image #5

As you can see, I found 118 prospects, and 102 companies. I can then add export the list, enrich all their profile data, and reach out to them on LinkedIn, email, and phone. If you don’t have access to amplemarket, don’t worry, you have two options:

  • Use whatever lead source you have (most common are Sales Navigator or Crunchbase).
  • Go check my detailed post, comment “ICP”, and follow amplemarket on LinkedIn and I’ll pick one winner and announce it on the 9th of January. This person will win one year of access to the Searcher feature of amplemarket for free.

And these are 3 steps you can follow to build a lead list for 2024. Make sure to go watch my detailed video and comment “ICP” to enter the giveaway and get the chance to access the Searcher feature for free. (You can also book a demo if you can’t wait for the 9th of January).

Hope this helps.



P.S. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you:

→ Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (190+ students)
→ Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (300+ students)

Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (90+ students)

→ Sponsor my content & get 41K+ eyeballs on your ad

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

Tactical Selling

How I reached a 57.5% win rate in 2023

Today’s newsletter is sponsored by:

My new course, The Prospecting Engine. It’s going live on the 31st of January 2024, but you can already join the waitlist and learn more about it here.

How I reached a 57.5% win rate in 2023

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share exactly how I reached at 57.5% win rate in 2023, so you can get some inspiration and increase your win rate as 2023 is coming to an end. If you follow these steps, you’ll start more conversations, turn them into meetings, and create momentum to close your deals faster.

Let’s dive in:

Part 1: Refined my triggers

In 2023, you need 3 things to get replies from cold outreach: creativity, relevance, and timing. In the past, creativity and relevance were enough, but nowadays, you need to reach out to a prospect right when you find a trigger.

Here are two examples of triggers I used to start conversations:

Example 1: Product announcement

Back in October, I received a product announcement by email from Mixmax. The announcement was about an AI composer they had just released. Here’s the message I sent and the reply I got:

Image #1

Example 2: Webinar

In early December, I attended a webinar about influencer marketing in B2B. One of the speakers shared a breakdown of how they structured their deals, and the exact outcomes they were looking for.

On the day of the webinar I added this prospect to my new prospecting tracker (I’m now using Amplemarket), and the morning after, I reached out to them.

Image #2

And this is is what they replied:

Image #3

In both cases, a relevant and well-timed trigger allowed me to start conversations with a single touchpoint.

Part 2: Shortened my messages

As I’ve been prospecting mostly on LinkedIn, I focused on keeping my messages under 300 characters (the limit for a connection request). This forced me to stay within a strict limit and helped me convey my message in the shortest way possible.

I also doubled down on text only messages for people I had never met before, because I noticed that many prospects didn’t even watch my prospecting videos or LinkedIn voice notes.

But the most impactful change has been around the content of my messages. I started testing outbound message templates from B2B sales influencers, which I compiled in a Prospecting Template Swipe File. This made a major difference and took me from 38% reply rate to 46.31%.

Part 3: Made my offering crazy simple

The last point was also the most impactful on increasing my win rate. I define my wine rate as the number of closed won opportunities divided by all the opportunities I opened. In the past, I was selling two types of products:

I typically charge 5 figures for these engagements, without a trial period, or a smaller deal, which makes it challenging to close.

Now I’m focusing on selling sponsorship deals (I still offer training and consulting) but it’s incredibly easier to start with a small deal, close it, and expand when I can show results. I even close a majority of these deals by chatting on LinkedIn only.

Ideas to increase your win rate

For most people, increasing their win rate to 50%+ is not possible. They have limited flexibility on their offering and what they are selling. But here are some ideas:

And these are the 3 steps I followed to reach a 57.5% win rate in 2023.

Hope this helps.



P.S. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you:

→ Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (190+ students)
→ Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (300+ students)

Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (90+ students)

→ Sponsor my content & get 41K+ eyeballs on your ad

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.