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My go-to tactic when prospects ignore me

A big thank you to our sponsors who keep this newsletter free to the reader:

This week’s newsletter is sponsored by Overloop. Building pipeline consistently is key for sales success. Try Overloop for list building, contact enrichment, and automated outreach. With ultra personalized campaigns mixing cold emails and LinkedIn automation, you can’t afford to miss their 14-day trial.

And by my new Live Online Masterclass. Join me for a live, 90-min workshop with a small group of tech salespeople to tackle the biggest prospecting challenges you are currently facing.

My go-to tactic when prospects ignore me

In today’s newsletter, I’m going to show you how I use RepliQ to start conversations with prospects who ignored my previous messages.

If you’re interested, go try RepliQ for free, and just follow the steps in my video.

Hope this helps.

Thibaut Souyris

need help understanding how to use AI for prospecting?

Stop playing around with ChatGPT. Start using it to book more meetings.

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you.

→ (NEW!) Book your seat 
on my online masterclass

Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (800+ waitlisters and customers)

Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (250+ students)

Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (55+)

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AI Prospecting: 5 steps to turning a marketing resource into a killer prospecting asset

A big thank you to our sponsors who keep this newsletter free to the reader:

Today’s newsletter is brought to you by DealForce: Accelerate your sales pipeline, with $0 upfront pay for performance-booked sales meetings. 60+ 5-Star Reviews! 

And by The AI Outreach System. It’s a tactical guide to using Artificial Intelligence to book meetings. I’m still building it, but you can already join 260+ people in the waitlist here.

AI Prospecting: 5 steps to turning a marketing resource into a killer prospecting asset

In today’s issue, I’m going to share the exact system I follow to turn a marketing resource (blog post, podcast, eBook, etc,) into a prospecting asset you can use to tease your prospect’s attention.

If you can replicate these steps, you’ll generate a catchy resource for each problem your prospects are facing, and you’ll start a lot more conversations.

Here’s how you can do it, step-by-step:

Step 1: Find a Marketing Resource

The first step to creating a powerful prospecting asset is to find a marketing resource. This can be anything from a white paper, to a blog post, to a webinar recording.

The key is to find a resource that is relevant to your ICP and that can be used to provide value to them. For example, if your prospect is a CEO running a remote team, this guide from is a great resource if you want to manage payroll in multiple countries.

Step 2: Extract the text with TLDRthis

Now that you have your marketing resource, you need to make it easily digestible to your prospects. No one has the time to read a blog post or a white paper.

You can use a tool called to extract the text of a blog post and summarize the key topics. It’s as simple as copy/pasting the url of a blog post and the tool will generate a summary.

Step 3: Turn it into a playbook with ChatGPT

With the text extracted, you can now use ChatGPT to turn it into a playbook. As usual, the quality of your prompt will define the quality of your outcome.

Here’s a simple structure you can use:

Prompt: “Act like an online marketer and turn the following content into a playbook:


With the blog post example above, here’s what I got:

ChatGPT outcome 1
ChatGPT outcome 2

Step 4: Generate 5 catchy titles with ChatGPT

Not bad, right? With this summary, I’m able to provide immediate value to my prospects, but I need to give it a catchy name.

I used the prompt “Now find 5 catchy title ideas for this playbook”, and this is what ChatGPT got me back:

I personally like the second one, “The Ultimate Guide to Global Payroll Services for Remote Teams” as it’s clear, catchy, and the reader knows what to expect.

Step 5: Repeat for all problems of your customers

In a recent post, I shared my playbook to finding prospects’ symptoms. You simply need to repeat the 4 steps above for each symptom, and you’ll have a resource you can tease for each touchpoint of your sequence.

If you find 9 symptoms, you can lead with a new resource, until you find one that resonates enough for a prospect to reply.


With this approach, you’ll be able to take the resources your marketing team has been working on, turn them into valuable conversation starters, and book more meetings as a result.



  • Step 1: Find a marketing resource

  • Step 2: Extract the text with TLDRthis

  • Step 3: Turn it into a playbook with ChatGPT

  • Step 4: Generate 5 catchy titles with ChatGPT

  • Step 5: Repeat for all problems of your customers

PS: I’m working on launching a new course called “The AI Outreach System, A Tactical Guide To Using Artificial Intelligence To Book Meetings”. It’s not ready yet, but you can already join over 260 salespeople who are already in the waitlist.


Thibaut Souyris

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you.
  1. Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (250+ students)
  2. Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (55+)
  3. Book me 1:1 or for your team here
  4. (NEW!) Sponsor my newsletter & get 4.200+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

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50% reply rate: How I use ChatGPT to catch the attention of my prospects

Today’s newsletter is sponsored by The AI Outreach System. It’s a tactical guide to using Artificial Intelligence to book meetings. I’m still building it, but you can already join the waitlist here.

50% reply rate: How I use ChatGPT to catch the attention of my prospects

In today’s issue, I’m going to share a simple way I use ChatGPT to create prospects’ curiosity, and get replies. I’ve been running it for 2 weeks, with a 50% reply rate.

If you can replicate this play, you’ll get the attention of your prospects, you’ll get more replies, and you’ll start relevant conversations with more people.

Here’s how I do it, step-by-step:

Step 1: Identify the top 3 challenges of my prospects

You may have seen this first step in my previous newsletter issue. I simply ask about the top 3 initiatives of my prospect to ChatGPT. I followed this format to make sure the answer was concise and relevant:

“Act like the {jobTitle} at {company} and list your top 3 initiatives for 2023. Bullet point answers only.”

Example: “Act like the VP Sales and Customer Success at Scrive and list your top 3 initiatives for 2023. Bullet point answers only.”

Here’s what ChatGPT got me back:

3rd prompt

Step 2: Attach the results in my conversations

With these results, I have a great conversation starter. Instead of spending 10 minutes doing prospect research, I dig into ChatGPT’s capacities and I simply copy/paste a screen capture of the results into my email or LinkedIn DM.

The screen capture creates a pattern interrupt and grabs the attention of the prospect. They can’t really read the text, so the have to click on the picture to read through.

Step 3: Ask for for their thoughts

A final touch is to add a short question to the screen capture. This motivates the prospect to click on the screen capture and read what ChatGPT found out.

I prefer using a short question to start the conversation. Below are some examples:

  • “Thoughts?”

  • “Is it completely off?”

  • “Sounds familiar?”

  • “What do you think?”

Below is an example of how a direct message looks like on LinkedIn:

DM example

With this approach, I was able to get a 50% reply rate, with one touchpoint only. I’m still experimenting with new tactics to turn these conversations into meetings, so make sure to sign up to my weekly newsletter (if it’s not already done) to find out how it goes.

PS: I’m working on launching a new course called “The AI Outreach System, A Tactical Guide To Using Artificial Intelligence To Book Meetings”. It’s not fully ready yet, as I’m still researching, experimenting, and learning about AI for prospecting, but you can already join the waitlist.


Thibaut Souyris

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you.
  1. Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (250+ students)
  2. Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (55+)
  3. Book me 1:1 or for your team here
  4. (NEW!) Sponsor my newsletter & get 3.500+ eyeballs on your ad!

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One Week with ChatGPT: How I saved over 4 hours of prospect research

Today’s newsletter is sponsored by The AI Outreach System. It’s a tactical guide to using Artificial Intelligence to book meetings. I’m still building it, but you can already join the waitlist here.

One Week with ChatGPT: How I saved over 4 hours of prospect research

In today’s issue, I’m going to share how I use ChatGPT to save 4+ hours of prospect research each week.

If you can replicate this process, you’ll save a considerable amount of time in prospect research, which will buy you some time to be creative and start more conversations.

Here’s how I saved 4+ hours of prospect research with ChatGPT:


Step 1: Asked about the top 3 initiatives of my prospect

First step was to ask about the top 3 initiatives of my prospect to ChatGPT. I followed this format to make sure the answer was concise and relevant:

“Act like the {jobTitle} at {company} and list your top 3 initiatives for 2023. Bullet point answers only.”

Example: “Act like the VP Sales and Customer Success at Scrive and list your top 3 initiatives for 2023. Bullet point answers only.”

Here’s what ChatGPT got me back:

3rd prompt

Step 2: Asked for 3 symptoms per initiative

As you can see, the initiatives are relevant, but they lack clarity and they are a bit too generic.

I went deeper and asked ChatGPT for detailed symptoms of problems related to these initiatives. Here’s the format I used:

“Give me 3 symptoms of problems you are trying to solve for each initiative. Bullet point format.”

And this what ChatGPT gave me:

2nd prompt

Step 3: Refined results with prospect’s “About Section”

The symptoms are really specific and they can be used to create up to 9 questions in the framework I’m typically using.

However, they can be even more detailed by feeding relevant details found in the “About Section” of my prospect’s LinkedIn profile.

Here’s the format I used: “Below is some additional information on the LinkedIn profile of the {jobTitle} at {company}. Act like the {jobTitle} at {company} and list your top 3 challenges. Short and concrete answers only.



And here’s an example of my prompt and what ChatGPT gave me back:

3rd prompt

With this approach, I was able to generate 9 symptoms to be used in my outbound prospecting, in 1 minute vs minimum 10 minute per prospect without ChatGPT.

PS: I’m working on launching a new course called “The AI Outreach System, A Tactical Guide To Using Artificial Intelligence To Book Meetings”. It’s not fully ready yet, as I’m still researching, experimenting, and learning about AI for prospecting, but you can already join the waitlist.


Thibaut Souyris

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you.
  1. Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (250+ students)
  2. Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (55+)
  3. Book me 1:1 or for your team here
  4. (NEW!) Sponsor my newsletter & get 3.500+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

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3 steps to using Cost of Inaction in your messaging

3 steps to using Cost of Inaction in your messaging

In today’s issue, I’m going to share a simple, 3-steps process I’m currently using, as I’m changing my whole messaging to include the Cost Of Inaction (COI) to get more replies from my prospects.

If you can replicate this process, you’ll set yourself apart in a crowded market, you’ll get more replies, and you’ll book more meetings.

However, it’s important to be tactical and use relevant data when using this strategy.

Here’s how:

Step 1: Identify the problem

Let’s say your company sells a cloud-based project management software for remote teams.

One of the key problems your software addresses is the lack of visibility and communication within remote teams.

Step 2: Research the consequences of not addressing this problem

By not addressing this problem, teams may experience delays and miscommunication, leading to wasted resources and a decrease in overall productivity.

This could potentially lead to lost revenue and missed opportunities, in case nothing is done to solve that problem.

However, your prospects may not pay attention to it, because they cannot calculate a clear cost for this problem.

Step 3: Craft a message that highlights the cost of inaction

Highlight the cost of inaction by teasing a simple calculator with a before/after comparison.

For example, you could calculate the average time wasted per day per employee due to a lack of visibility in remote teams, and how your software reduces that amount.

Here’s how your message could look like:

“Danny, saw that you ditched your corporate office for good.

As good as remote can be, do you have an estimate of the time wasted daily by your employees because of your remote setup?

If you’re interested, I can share a simple calculator to find that number, and what you can do to reduce it.


If you follow these 3 steps, you’ll catch the attention of your prospects, you’ll get more replies, and you’ll book more meetings.

Give it a try and hit me on LinkedIn to tell me how it works.


Thibaut Souyris

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you.
  1. Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (250+ students)
  2. Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (55+)
  3. Book me 1:1 or for your team here
  4. (NEW!) Sponsor my newsletter & get 3.500+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

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6 steps to kickstart your prospecting in 2023

6 steps to kickstart your prospecting in 2023

In today’s issue, I’m going to share a simple, 6-steps process I’m currently using, as I’m restarting my prospecting effort.

If you can replicate this process, you’ll set yourself for success in early Q1, by starting more conversations, and booking more meetings.

Unfortunately, 2023 isn’t looking as promising as 2022, and most salespeople are already wired to believe they won’t be successful.

In 2023, a prospecting system will be more important than ever

And without a solid outbound prospecting system, a few challenges will arise:

Challenge #1: You’ll get few replies: as most replies are obtained through follow-ups, you’ll miss conversations by not having a system.

Challenge #2: Your results will be inconsistent: you’ll prospect in bursts, then stop, which will attract scrutiny on your performance.

Challenge #3: You’ll lose confidence quickly: you’ll start worrying about your capacities, and enter a spiral of self-doubt.

You can overcome these challenges by creating a simple prospecting system.

Here’s how:

Step 1: Define your ICP

In 2023, you’ll need to focus on a niche and stop trying to sell to everyone. I recommend doing so with a clear Ideal Customer Profile Matrix.

The matrix is composed of your Ideal Customer Company (ICC) in columns, and your Ideal Customer Title (ICT) in rows. Your ICC is the type of company you’d like to go after, and the ICT is the type of job title you’d like to go for.

With this matrix, you’ll be able to test different assumptions of your ICC and go after different types of buyers (what we call ATL and BTL buyers).

Step 2: Find their problems

Another key topic in 2023 is understanding your prospects’ problems, and showing them that you have something to help them solve these problems.

First, you need to have a clear idea of the problems your prospects are trying to solve. I recommend googling “{jobTitle} challenges 2023” to get an idea of the strategic problems your ATL prospects are facing.

When you’re done, turn these problems into symptoms, to help your prospects identify with them, and motivate them to reply.

Step 3: Find where they hang out

Humans are social creatures, and they typically hang out with other humans who have the same interests. Nowadays, they mostly do it online, on social networks.

For most salespeople, LinkedIn is a great place to find prospects, and identify triggers to help them start conversations.

I recommend following these 4 steps to identify where your prospects hang out, and create personalized messages at scale.

Step 4: Build a problem-centric sequence

Now that you know who to go after, what problems they have, and where they hang out, you need to send messages that will get replies.

Two things matter most when sending cold outreach messages; creativity and relevance. Creativity is done through pattern interrupts (voice notes, videos, direct mail, etc.), and relevance through the correct use of triggers.

You can check my 4-step framework to create your cold outreach messages and get more replies from your prospects (I get a 38% reply rate with it).

Step 5: Create your daily prospecting routine

All these steps will result in nothing if you don’t create a daily prospecting habit. This step is by far the most challenging, since humans have a hard time building and keeping healthy habits.

I recommend doing the following:

  • Step 1: Identify the time when you’re the most productive

  • Step 2: Put a recurring blocker of 60 minutes

  • Step 3: Follow the steps in this short guide

  • Step 4: Repeat until it becomes a habit (at least 21 consecutive days)

Step 6: Use creative media in your outbound sequences

In 2023, prospects are busy putting out fires with limited resources. Grabbing their attention will become more challenging than ever, which is why you need to use creative media to stop them in their day, and pay attention to what you have to say.

I personally use two media for this, first one is LinkedIn voice notes, second is prospecting videos.


If you follow these 6 steps, you’ll be in good position to grab your prospects’ attention, engage them in conversations, and book meetings with people who are trying to solve a problem you can help with.

And if you want to create an outbound prospecting system to get your reply rates closer to 38%, then join 250+ salespeople who use my New Outreach System.




P.S. When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you.
  1. Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (250+ students)
  2. Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (55+)
  3. Book me 1:1 or for your team here
  4. (NEW!) Sponsor my newsletter & get 3.500+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

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My 2022 prospecting stats

My 2022 prospecting stats

In 2021, I started a simple daily habit that I kept running in 2022. Every single workday, from Monday to Friday, I started my day with a 30 minute prospecting blocker.

In 2022, I kept experimenting with new prospecting plays, but the daily prospecting habit stayed.

Here are the prospecting stats of my year 2022:

723 prospects contacted

I knew from 2021 that adding 5 new prospects every single weekday was a good number to reach my targets. I kept working with that number in 2022, but the places were I went to find these prospects were different.

Instead of purely focusing on new logos, I went for:

  • Current customers
  • Old customers
  • Lost opportunities
  • Referrals

This was really helpful to bring my research time under 15 minutes daily.

258 prospects replied (35.7% reply rate)

I kept working with a simple LinkedIn sequence, but instead of tweaking it once every 6 months, I experimented with a new prospecting play every month.

With rapid experimentation, I was able to find what worked and what didn’t, and I double downed on the best plays.

In the second part of the year, I focused on reaching out to existing and old customers, which bumped my reply rate from 34.6% in 2021 to 35.7% in 2022.

49 meetings booked (18.7% meeting rate)

Finally, I booked 49 outbound meetings. As in 2021, a lot of the conversations didn’t lead to immediate opportunities, with a 37% opportunity rate only.

However, a good chunk of the prospects who didn’t turn into immediate opportunities came back later as inbound lead, or referred me to people they knew.

As a result, my sales grew by 77% in 2022, compared to 2021. And this was a key moment for me in 2022.

I had never been in a sales job for more than 3 years, and I learned that building a solid pipeline is about consistency and patience. I’ve been running SalesLabs for over 4 years, and each year is easier than the previous one.

It is simpler because my customer base keeps increasing, I’m bringing results to more and more people, and the risks of working with me are lower with each customer I bring on board.

If you’re prospecting stats aren’t where you want them to be, then sign up for my weekly newsletter, or go check one of my programs in the footer below.



P.S. When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you.
  1. Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (230+ students)
  2. Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (40+)
  3. Book me 1:1 or for your team here
  4. (NEW!) Sponsor my newsletter & get 3K+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

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3 common prospecting mistakes (and how to stop doing them)

3 common prospecting mistakes (and how to stop doing them)

In today’s issue, I’m going to share the 3 prospecting mistakes I see when training SDRs, and how to stop doing them.

These mistakes are often the results of poor prospecting habits, and the lack of a clear SDR playbook.

And in most cases, SDR leaders never had a real prospecting routine, so they don’t know how to build one for their teams.

Here are the top 3 mistakes I see when I meet SDRs:

Mistake #1: Not time blocking

Time blocking is the act of putting blockers in your calendar, in order to protect your schedule for key activities.

Most SDRs I meet do not time block because they feel like they have to be constantly available for prospects, colleagues, or managers. This creates a situation where they are constantly switching tasks, they cannot be focused for long enough, and they end up not doing enough of the tasks that will bring them success.

What to do instead?

I recommend every SDR I meet to put at least one daily blocker in their calendar, at the same time every day. If your job’s main focus is to create opportunities, have at least 3 hours of your time protected with blockers.

Below is an example of an efficient time-blocked schedule:

Time block example

Mistake #2: Not having a prospecting routine

A prospecting routine is a key element for success as an SDR. It’s a daily habit that allows you to repeat healthy prospecting tasks. You could compare it with a daily workout session.

Most SDRs make the mistake of not building a routine, because they underestimate the unpredictability of the job in the long run.

They start with a ton of motivation, but it often changes based on the replies they get, their performance, or even the season. Without a system they end up with irregular input, which creates irregular outcomes


What to do instead?

Let’s be honest. Prospecting isn’t super fun. It’s a set of repetitive tasks, and doing enough of them plays a huge role in reaching your targets. So in order to prevent your variation of motivation from getting in your way, here’s what I recommend:

  1. Find the time of the day when you’re the most productive (for me it’s early morning)

  2. Put your time blocks at these times (as seen in step 1)

  3. Start with your follow-ups (all prospects that are in active sequences with a follow-up due today)

  4. Find enough prospects to add to your sequence (use this calculator to find out how many you need)

  5. Add them to your sequence (send a connection request, call them, whatever is your first sequence step)


Mistake #3: Not tracking their prospecting activities

Finally, a cardinal sin of SDRs is their inability to create a simple tracking system. Without it, they end up missing follow-ups, some meetings fall through the cracks, and all their hard work leads to disappointing results.

Tracking your activity serves a few important purposes:

  • it shows your manager that you are actually putting in the work

  • it frees some brain power for tasks that need it the most

  • it prevents you from worrying about missing your follow-ups

But most SDRs I meet do not track their activities because they don’t have the right tool to do so.


What to do instead?

The answer will change depending on your setup.

In most cases, you’ll have a sequencer already available (think SalesLoft, Outreach, Groove, or Hubspot to name a few). If that’s the case, learn how to use the task list feature of your tool. You should be able to create rules to track your activity, and add a reminder to follow-up.

In some cases, you won’t have a sequencer, or you won’t be able to use it properly (looking at you, sales operations and enablement…). If that’s the case, just use a spreadsheet to track your activity, or go check my Notion Prospecting Tracker.


In conclusion

Being an SDR is more about building processes and routines than being creative or thinking outside of the box (even if it’s important). If you can’t focus on the basics, you won’t be able to deliver as expected, and you’ll end up hating your job, or getting fired.

On the other end, if you create a good system, you’ll quickly realize booking meetings and creating opportunities is a numbers game, and you’ll make more money, get promoted faster, and have more time to focus on what matters for you.


So keep in mind:

  • Protect your schedule with time blocks

  • Create a prospecting routine

  • Track your activity


I hope this helps!

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you.
  1. Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (200+ students)
  2. (NEW!) Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (20+)
  3. Book me 1:1 or for your team here
  4. (NEW!) Sponsor my newsletter & get 3k+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings and work when, where, and how they want.

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What I learned from the last sales job I ever had

What I learned from the last sales job I ever had

A few years ago, I started a new job as an Account Executive for a fancy tech-startup. At the time, I thought this job would be the ultimate opportunity to grow a market from scratch, build a team, and move my sales career towards management.

I was so wrong.

I ended up quitting after 5 months, with only one deal closed. It was a costly mistake for the company, and it lead to a few key realizations about what I wanted to do with my life.

Here are 4 lessons from the last sales job I ever had:

Lesson #1: When you change jobs, your pipeline resets to zero

When I started this new job, I left a well-paid position, where I was managing a team of Account Executives, while closing my own opportunities. I saw no possibility of progression in this company, which led me to switch jobs.

I completely forgot that switching jobs meant starting with an empty pipeline.

I also realized I was the new kid on the block for my colleagues, and all my previous achievements meant nothing to them.

Lesson #2: Even if you’re promised a ton of inbound leads, you’re on your own

This one will sound familiar if you recently joined a new company. While I was interviewing for the job, I was promised a dedicated SDR working with me, and a ton of inbound leads I would only need to pick and close.

A few weeks into the job and reality kicked in. My SDR (he was amazing) was so good that other AEs started asking to have him book meetings for them too. The sea of inbound leads was non-existent, and my marketing colleagues only knew how to run events, not how to generate leads.

I quickly understood I would need to source my own opportunities, which meant prospecting daily.

This is when I realized that being in sales, you need to prospect on your own. You’ll sometimes get help, but you can only rely on yourself to generate a steady flow of opportunities.

Lesson #3: Founders are often better at raising money than closing deals

During one of my business trips, the founder of the company was in Paris, and he asked to join a couple of customer meetings.

I was very happy to have him on board, (didn’t feel like I had a choice anyways), but I told him it would be challenging for him to communicate as most French customers’s English level was pretty weak.

He told me this wouldn’t be a problem, as he would only stay in the background and listen.

He did exactly that for most meetings, sitting in the meeting room, typing on his computer, oblivious to our conversations.

That was awkward…

But the worse happened when one prospect asked him about why he created the company. He immediately stopped typing on his computer, pulled out his investor deck, and started reciting his VC presentation.

We spent 15 minutes listening to how his company would change the world, how their tech was better than their competitors’, and the grandiose plans they had for the market.

Needless to say, we didn’t close the deal.

Lesson #4: Being product-obsessed is the best way to lose deals to your competition

I remember how obsessed the founding team was about us knowing the product in and out. It was a technical solution, quite well designed, but clearly too complicated to sell without a solution engineer.

The onboarding bootcamp lasted 2 weeks, in which we spent 99% of our time learning the subtleties of the product, why it was so much better than our competitors, and what were the use cases we should sell.

Our management was obsessed with us “conveying the value of the product”, selling the features, and playing catch-up with the competition. I ended-up losing most deals to my competitors (who had a better buy/sales process), and feeling extremely frustrated because I didn’t have the freedom to sell how I wanted to.

To conclude

A few weeks before handing in my resignation, I was in a very bad place. I was disillusioned and felt like I had made a terrible decision. I left at the end of September 2018 to be on my own, and I learned a ton going through this experience.


So keep in mind:

  • When you change jobs, your pipeline resets to zero

  • Even if you’re promised a ton of inbound leads, you’re on your own

  • Founders are often better at raising money than closing deals

  • Being product-obsessed is the best way to lose all deals to your competition


I hope this helps!

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you.
  1. Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (200+ students)
  2. (NEW!) Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (20+)
  3. Book me 1:1 or for your team here
  4. (NEW!) Sponsor my newsletter & get 3k+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Tactical Selling Uncategorized

4 plays to book more meetings

4 plays to book more meetings

In today’s issue, I’m going to share a quick preview of 4 plays I use regularly to book meetings with prospects.

If you can replicate these plays, you will stop getting ignored because you’ll stand out in the LinkedIn message section or the mailbox of your prospects.

Unfortunately, most SDRs don’t try new prospecting plays, and they end up with diminishing reply rates (and booked meetings) as time goes by.

Regularly experimenting with new plays is how you keep your reply rate and meeting rate high.

Without a solid experimentation strategy, a few challenges arise:

Challenge #1: You miss on easy opportunities: you’re not able to collect data on what works now vs what worked in the past.

Challenge #2: You stagnate: your prospecting game doesn’t evolve (when other SDRs’ game does).

Challenge #3: You end up sounding like everyone else: a good approach gets quickly copied, and you lose your competitive advantage.

You can overcome all of these challenges by experimenting with new plays regularly.

Here are 4 plays you can already use:

Play 1: Invite prospects to a roundtable

This play is incredibly efficient at creating relationships with multiple prospects at the same time.

The idea is to plan a 30 minute online event and invite key prospects to join. You build a specific sequence to invite prospects, use other participants’ names to create FOMO, send a pre-event survey, and run the event.

When you’re done, you can reach out to participants to discuss the challenges they have mentioned during the call.

I love this play because I can run it regularly (quarterly), gather prospects and current customers, and collect data on the challenges of key people in the market.

Last time I ran it, I contacted 24 people, I got 10 replies, and I booked 6 prospects in the event.

Play 2: Use a graph to catch their attention

This play is a great way to show your understanding of a prospect’s problem and create a pattern interrupt.

You start by identifying a key problem of your prospect, followed by visual representation of this problem. For example, I used the graph below to represent a common issue with VPs of Sales:

U-shaped pipeline

I wrote a detailed guide about this approach and got the following results:

  • Contacted: 41

  • Replied: 15 (37%)

  • Booked meeting: 11 (73%)

Play 3: Ask them to join a user research call

This play is a great way to create relationships with prospects, understand their problems, and create opportunities to solve them.

First, you need to make sure your ICP matrix is well defined, and again, have a clear understanding of your prospects’ problems.

You can then lead with these problems in your cold outreach, asking prospects if they would be interested in hoping on a quick user research call to learn more about what they are working on.

Jack Lancaster used this approach in the early stages of and shared his result on my podcast.

Play 4: Play with their website to catch their attention

This play uses the website of your prospects in order to catch their attention. I discovered it thanks to a post of Florin Tatulea and Saad Khan.

It’s a bit of a technical process, so buckle up:

  • Step 1: Go to your prospect’s homepage

  • Step 2: Write a problem-oriented question ({FirstName}, how do avoid {problem}?)

  • Step 3: Open the website editor and change the hero section of the homepage (here’s how I do it)

  • Step 4: Record a prospecting video with the updated website (make sure the GIF preview is moving)

This play is excellent to create a pattern interrupt as it uses a familiar element for the prospect and gets them to wonder how you could change the text on their website.

And these are 4 of my go-to plays when running outbound sequences.

If you’re interested in accessing these plays in details + get a new play every month, then go check my Monthly Prospecting Plays. There are already 6 live, and you’ll get access to a new play every first week of the month.



P.S. When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you.
  1. Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (200+ students)
  2. (NEW!) Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (20+)
  3. Book me 1:1 or for your team here
  4. (NEW!) Sponsor my newsletter & get 3k+ eyeballs on your ad!

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