Tactical Selling

4 lessons I learned from last week’s masterclass

Thanks to our sponsors who keep this newsletter free for the reader:

Today’s newsletter is sponsored by SalesPlaybook. SalesPlaybook helped 250+ B2B Startups scale sales quickly, amongst other things with 5’000+ hours of 1:1 & small group coachings & trainings to help their SDRs & AEs generate more pipeline & ARR while working less hours. Get 80+ of their best hands-on tactics you can implement immediately here.

And by my AI Prospecting Masterclass. It’s a 90-min live workshop to discover advanced AI tactics to book meetings. Join the waitlist today.

4 lessons I learned from last week’s masterclass

In today’s newsletter, I will share four key takeaways from last week’s online masterclass. On July 5th, 17 salespeople joined me for a 90-minute workshop to help them build their cold outreach sequences from scratch.

Here are the four lessons I learned from working with them:

Lesson #1: If you don’t know your prospects’ problems, you won’t get replies

We began the session by reviewing the concept of the Ideal Customer Profile and defining the problems that they typically face. This exercise was interesting because most participants were familiar with their products, but were uncertain about the problems they were intended to solve.

Understanding your prospects’ problems is critical because it demonstrates that you empathize with their situation. This sets you apart from other salespeople who are prospecting them and increases the likelihood of receiving responses.

Lesson #2: Build a sequence skeleton before writing your messages

Most of the SDRs I train tend to spend a disproportionate amount of time building messages and using frameworks, but they often overlook the importance of building a prospecting structure. A structure can help them maintain consistency through follow-ups.

That’s why we have focused on creating a sequence skeleton, just like the one shown below:

As you can see, a sequence skeleton is simple:

  • A set number of touchpoints
  • Clear channels and media
  • A simple cadence

If you can build one and stick to it, you’re already better off than 80% of your peers.

Lesson #3: Use multiple channels and media for more replies

We also discussed the importance of using multiple channels for prospecting. Prospects have different habits and preferences, with some responding only to emails and others only to phone calls.

Incorporating more than one channel and media in your outreach is essential to maximizing your reply rate. For instance, I prefer using LinkedIn and email, with a combination of text-based messages, LinkedIn voice notes, and prospecting videos.

Lesson #4: Nothing beats consistency

Sequence skeletons, messaging frameworks, and AI prospecting tools are nothing without a solid, consistent prospecting system. Prospecting is 10% creativity, 10% relevance, and 80% consistency.

That’s why we focused on building a simple prospecting system to produce consistent results. Here’s mine:

Image #2

These are the four key lessons I learned from running this masterclass. It was the first time I tried this format, and I plan on offering an advanced AI prospecting masterclass in September.

If you’re interested in joining, be sure to save your spot on the waitlist. You’ll receive information on discounts and launch details before they’re available to everyone else.

Hope this helps.


Thibaut Souyris

need help understanding how to use AI for prospecting?

Stop playing around with ChatGPT. Start using it to book more meetings.

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you.

→ Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (150+ students)
→ Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (250+ students)

Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (55+)

→ Sponsor my newsletter & get 5.400+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Tactical Selling

How I use ChatGPT to research 10-K reports

How I use ChatGPT to research 10-K reports

In today’s newsletter, I will share exactly how I use ChatGPT to research 10-K reports and other corporate documents. By following this system, you can identify key initiatives for your prospects and start more conversations.

Here’s the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Install the AskYourPDF plugin on ChatGPT

Browsing through 10-K reports can be incredibly tedious and time-consuming. However, with the AskYourPDF plugin for ChatGPT, you can give ChatGPT the ability to browse a PDF document. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Open ChatGPT.
  2. Sign up for the Pro plan.
  3. Go to your settings, access the Beta features, and enable Plugins.
  4. Go to the plugin store, search for AskYourPDF, and install it.

After installing the plugin, you will be able to select AskYourPDF in the conversations where you need it.

Image #1

Step 2: Summarize the 10-K report

Now that ChatGPT can read PDFs, you can ask it to summarize a 10-K report or any PDF document. Summarizing the report can help you extract key points about a company you are interested in prospecting.

For instance, if you were prospecting Amazon as a SoSafe sales rep, you could use the following prompt:

Here is the PDF to the 10K report of Amazon:

Act like a financial analyst and summarize the key points of this report.”

Image #2

Step 3: Zoom in on a key topic

The summary’s results are good, but they don’t provide anything specific about cybersecurity and the risks associated with the online behavior of the organization’s 1.541.000 employees. As a result, I continued my discussion with ChatGPT and used the following prompt:

“Is there any data about their cybersecurity policy?”

And this is the result I got:

Image #3
Image #4

Step 4: Find a specific trigger

Now, this is something I can work with, but I want more details. That’s why I asked ChatGPT to help me locate the section so I can read more about it.

“Got it, where can I read more about the 2 points you mentioned?”

Image #5

I used the Command+F function to search for “security breaches” and found the following sentence:

Image #6

need help understanding how to use AI for prospecting?

Stop playing around with ChatGPT. Start using it to book more meetings.

Step 5: Build your message

Now you can use the highlighted information to write a cold email with a messaging framework. Check out this resource for some examples: 4 Outbound Message Frameworks You Should Try Right Now.

Mary, I’ve been scrolling through Amazon’s 10-K report for 2022 and I found something interesting (highlighted in the picture below).

Curious to know what you’re doing to prevent this from happening.

If you’re interested, I can share a short playbook to help minimize the risky online behaviour of your 1.541.000 employees.


And these are the 5 steps I follow to research 10-K reports with ChatGPT:

  • Step 1: Install the AskYourPDF plugin on ChatGPT
  • Step 2: Summarize the 10-K report
  • Step 3: Zoom in on a key topic
  • Step 4: Find a specific trigger
  • Step 5: Build your message

Hope this helps.


Thibaut Souyris

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 4 ways I can help you.

Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (800+ waitlisters and customers)

Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (250+ students)

Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (55+)

→ Sponsor my newsletter & get 5.200+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings.

Tactical Selling

This is the #1 reason your prospects ignore you

A big thank you to our sponsor who keep this newsletter free to the reader:

Join next week’s Live Online Masterclass. Join me for a live, 90-min workshop with a small group of tech salespeople to tackle the biggest prospecting challenges you are currently facing.

This is the #1 reason your prospects ignore you

In today’s newsletter, I’m going to share why prospects ignore you, and what you can do to solve that.

If you’re interested, go check my Cold Message System to build your own symptom matrix and create messages that get you replies.

Hope this helps.

Thibaut Souyris

need help understanding how to use AI for prospecting?

Stop playing around with ChatGPT. Start using it to book more meetings.

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you.

→ (LAST CHANCE) Book your seat 
on my online masterclass

Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (800+ waitlisters and customers)

Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (250+ students)

Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (55+)

→ Sponsor my newsletter & get 5.200+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings.

Tactical Selling Uncategorized

My go-to tactic when prospects ignore me

A big thank you to our sponsors who keep this newsletter free to the reader:

This week’s newsletter is sponsored by Overloop. Building pipeline consistently is key for sales success. Try Overloop for list building, contact enrichment, and automated outreach. With ultra personalized campaigns mixing cold emails and LinkedIn automation, you can’t afford to miss their 14-day trial.

And by my new Live Online Masterclass. Join me for a live, 90-min workshop with a small group of tech salespeople to tackle the biggest prospecting challenges you are currently facing.

My go-to tactic when prospects ignore me

In today’s newsletter, I’m going to show you how I use RepliQ to start conversations with prospects who ignored my previous messages.

If you’re interested, go try RepliQ for free, and just follow the steps in my video.

Hope this helps.

Thibaut Souyris

need help understanding how to use AI for prospecting?

Stop playing around with ChatGPT. Start using it to book more meetings.

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you.

→ (NEW!) Book your seat 
on my online masterclass

Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (800+ waitlisters and customers)

Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (250+ students)

Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (55+)

→ Sponsor my newsletter & get 5.200+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings.

Tactical Selling

3 rules to getting replies with cold email

A big thank you to our sponsor who keep this newsletter free to the reader:

This week’s newsletter is sponsored by my new Live Online Masterclass. Join me for a live, 90-min workshop with a small group of tech salespeople to tackle the biggest prospecting challenges you are currently facing.

3 rules to getting replies with cold email

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share three rules you need to follow if you want to get replies from your cold emails. By keeping these rules in mind, you’ll receive fewer rejections, start more conversations, and book more meetings.

Here are the rules:

Rule 1: Keep your subject line under 5 words

An email’s subject line has one goal: to get the email opened. If you can’t stand out in your prospects’ mailbox, they won’t open your email.

A good way to optimize your subject line is to look for inspiration in your own mailbox. What are some emails that caught your attention? What are the ones you ignored?

Emails that resemble internal communication tend to be opened more by prospects. You can also write in lowercase only to increase the chances of getting your emails opened. Here are a few examples of subject lines from my own mailbox:

  • thoughts?
  • thurs
  • call today
  • you joining?
  • tomorrow

Rule 2: No more than 125 words

If your prospects have to scroll to read your email on their phones, then it’s too long. The goal of a cold email is to get a reply, and prospects often stop reading an email if it’s too long. Take a look at this example email: I scanned it quickly and immediately ignored it.

Bad email example

Here are a few tips to avoid the disaster above:

  • Send the email to yourself to see if you need to scroll on your mobile phone.
  • Optimize the text preview to pique the prospect’s interest.
  • Add white space to your email to make it easy to read.

Just like this one:

Good email example

need help understanding how to use AI for prospecting?

Stop playing around with ChatGPT. Start using it to book more meetings.

Rule 3: Use frameworks

One of the biggest mistakes I see salespeople make is writing each email from scratch. Outbound prospecting is about consistently contacting prospects with high-quality touchpoints. However, even with the best emails, a majority of prospects will ignore them.

To increase your chances of getting a reply, you should use frameworks to help you write effective emails. You can also try out Mixmax AI, which is a helpful tool for keeping your emails concise or adjusting their tone. This feature is currently in its early beta stage, and you can apply here.

By following these three rules, you can reduce the chance of being ignored and start more conversations as a result. Remember, if you focus on conversations, the rest will follow!

Hope this helps,

Thibaut Souyris

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you:

→ (NEW!) Book your seat 
on my online masterclass

Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (800+ waitlisters and customers)

Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (270+ students)

Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (75+)

→ Sponsor my newsletter & get 5.200+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings.

Tactical Selling

When you can’t book meetings, try this tactic

A big thank you to our sponsors who keep this newsletter free to the reader:

This week’s newsletter is sponsored by NetHunt CRM, the ultimate powerhouse for Gmail and LinkedIn CRM solutions. Take charge of your sales game with an unbeatable omnichannel approach, supercharge your business processes with automation, and unlock invaluable insights into your team’s performance. Don’t wait another second—seize the opportunity and try NetHunt CRM now!

And by my new Live Online Masterclass. Join me for a live, 90-min workshop with a small group of tech salespeople to tackle the biggest prospecting challenges you are currently facing.

When you can’t book meetings, try this tactic

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share a simple tactic to follow when you’re struggling to book meetings, no matter what you’ve tried. By following these steps, you can avoid being ignored by prospects, start more conversations, and ultimately book more meetings.

Here’s how:

Step 1: List inactive customers and lost opportunities

To get started, create a list of all customers who have purchased something from you. For instance, I have compiled a list of individuals who have purchased my AI Outreach System. I reach out to five of them every day, with a reply rate of around 40%.

Next, create a list of lost opportunities. In my experience, leads who were previously in conversation to purchase something from me tend to reply more than complete strangers.

Step 2: Build a “conversation sequence”

With your two lists ready, you can now start working on your sequences. Instead of trying to book a meeting right away, focus on restarting the conversation. Use anything that is relevant to reignite the conversation. For example, you can try something similar to what I did below:

Example 1

Although my question had nothing to do with business, we ended up discussing this prospect’s challenges, and I am currently working on closing a deal with them.

If you don’t have any personal questions to ask, you can use the following framework from Nate Nasralla:

  • Memory: A past topic of conversation
  • Tool: A tool/resource related to the conversation
  • Confirm: A question to confirm it is still a priority
  • Teaser: A sentence to get the prospect intrigued about the tool


  • Memory: Mary, last time we spoke, new employee churn was an issue.
  • Tool: I stumbled on a checklist to disqualify bad candidates and immediately thought of you.
  • Confirm: Are you still working on reducing new employee churn?
  • Teaser: If so, just hit reply and I’ll share the resource with you.

Here’s a variation of it:

Example 2

Step 3: Execute

To see results, it’s important to systematize this approach. I recommend integrating it into your prospecting routine. Here’s what my routine looks like:

  1. Start with follow-ups
  2. Find 5 to 10 new prospects to add to my sequence daily
  3. Add them to my sequence (send them a first touchpoint)
  4. Repeat every day

By following this routine, you’ll get consistent results and start more conversations. Add a few of your past customers and lost opportunities to book meetings with them in no time.

Give this tactic a try and feel free to drop me a DM on LinkedIn to share your results!


Thibaut Souyris

need help understanding how to use AI for prospecting?

Stop playing around with ChatGPT. Start using it to book more meetings.

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you:

→ (NEW!) Book your seat 
on my online masterclass

Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (800+ waitlisters and customers)

Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (250+ students)

Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (55+)

→ Sponsor my newsletter & get 5.200+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings.

Tactical Selling

My online masterclass on the 5th of July

My online masterclass on the 5th of July

Welcome to a special edition of the Tactical Selling Newsletter…

BIG news – I’m launching a live online masterclass.

I created it because most SDRs know they have to use a sequence to be successful, but they don’t have a system in place to build them.

That’s usually because:

  1. Building a sequence is overwhelming – Where should I start? What channels, how many touchpoints?…
  2. They don’t know if the sequence will actually work – I don’t want to spend hours building a sequence, only to get no replies…
  3. They need to be creative, but they don’t know where to start – How can I try new stuff without wasting my time?

This online masterclass answers all the above and teaches you how to build a sequence skeleton, how to identify prospects’ problems, and how to use them to build messages that get you replies (some of my customers get reply rates above 30%).

If you’re interested in building an outbound sequence from scratch, then this is for you.

And because you’re a subscriber to my newsletter, you get a discount code. Use “AP4Z5U9” at checkout and you’ll get 20% off (valid until Saturday).

You can reserve your seat here (the live masterclass will start at 4:00PM Paris Time on the 5th of July).


PS: This masterclass is limited to 50 people. It will be recorded if you can’t show up, and you’ll receive an invitation with the login credentials as soon as you book your seat.

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you.

→ (NEW!) Book your seat 
on my online masterclass

Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (800+ waitlisters and customers)

Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (250+ students)

Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (55+)

→ Sponsor my newsletter & get 5.000+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings.

Tactical Selling

Watch me create a cold outreach sequence from scratch with ChatGPT

A big thank you to our sponsors who keep this newsletter free to the reader:

This week’s newsletter is sponsored by RightBound and their magical tool, Lifter! Experience the power of AI directly in your Unlock personalized email sequences and effortless prospect discovery. Level up your sales game with Lifter today!

And by my new 
Live Online Masterclass. Join me for a live, 90-min workshop with a small group of tech salespeople to tackle the biggest prospecting challenges you are currently facing.

Watch me create a cold outreach sequence from scratch with ChatGPT

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share the exact process I follow to create an outbound sequence from scratch.

And if you want to dig deeper, then check my AI Outreach System or my Live Online Masterclass.

Hope this helps.

Thibaut Souyris

need help understanding how to use AI for prospecting?

Stop playing around with ChatGPT. Start using it to book more meetings.

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you.

→ (NEW!) Book your seat 
on my online masterclass

Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (800+ waitlisters and customers)

Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (250+ students)

Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (55+)

→ Sponsor my newsletter & get 5.000+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings.

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings.

Tactical Selling

Calendar links: How to use them to book meetings

A big thank you to our sponsors who keep this newsletter free to the reader:

This week’s newsletter is sponsored by Blaze Information Security. They are looking for a remote Enterprise Account Executive and pay a generous €150K OTE. I have personally worked with them and I can tell you, it’s a great company to work with.

And by Wonderway 
COACH. It uses AI to give sales reps instant and actionable feedback on every sales call – just like a manager. Try it now for free.

Calendar links: How to use them to book meetings

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share how to properly use calendar links to book meetings. By following these steps, you can avoid turning off prospects and discover a better way to use these productivity tools for sales.

Here’s the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Understand when to use them

Meeting links should not be included in your outbound sequences. The purpose of a sequence is to get a reply, not to book a meeting. If you include a meeting link in your cold message, you increase the likelihood of being marked as spam, which can significantly reduce your reply rate.

Instead, keep the meeting link as a facilitation tool once a meeting has been agreed upon. For more information on crafting messages with a 38% or higher reply rate, check out this article.

Step 2: Navigate the conversation

Before asking for a meeting, your goal should be to get a reply. Once you receive a reply, your goal is to schedule a meeting. You can achieve this by following this 4-step process:

  • Step 1: Use a problem question with the formula “How do you avoid/prevent problem.” For example, “How do you prevent your team from turning off prospects with pushy outreach?”
  • Step 2: Offer a reciprocity resource, such as a marketing material turned into a prospecting asset. For instance, “If you’re interested, I can share a 5-step sequence that typically gets over a 38% reply rate.”
  • Step 3: Ask for feedback. If the prospect responds, share the resource, wait for two days, and use the following formula: “What do you think of the resource? Is it useful for your team?”
  • Step 4: Use a negative-reversing question. For example, “Would it be a bad idea to have a quick call so I can give you a few tips on how your team can use this sequence?”

Go check this detailed article for a tactical guide on how to navigate conversations.

Step 3: Share your availability

If your prospect responds, you can share your availability by using your meeting link. I recommend giving your prospect the option to share their own calendar link or availability, as some may prefer not to share their data.

Alternatively, you could try Mixmax’s sales engagement platform for free. They have a cool feature that allows you to share your availability directly in your email, which I was told could increase your booked meetings by 57%.

That’s how you can use calendar links to book outbound cold meetings.

I hope this helps!


Thibaut Souyris

need help understanding how to use AI for prospecting?

Stop playing around with ChatGPT. Start using it to book more meetings.

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you.
  1. (NEW!) Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (800+ waitlisters and customers)
  2. Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (260+ students)
  3. Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (75+)
  4. Book me 1:1 or for your team here
  5. Sponsor my newsletter & get 5.100+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings.

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings.

Tactical Selling

ChatGPT: Watch me turn a marketing resource into a prospecting asset

A big thank you to our sponsor who keep this newsletter free to the reader:

This week’s newsletter is sponsored by Sales CRM. See conversation rates from different deal stages with the Funnel Widget.

ChatGPT: Watch me turn a marketing resource into a prospecting asset

In today’s newsletter, I’ll share how I turn a marketing resource into a prospecting asset in less than 6 minutes.

You can grab the final result here. And if you like this kind of format, then check my AI Outreach System.

Hope this helps.


Thibaut Souyris

P.S. When you’re ready, here are 5 ways I can help you.
  1. (NEW!) Learn how to use AI to book meetings here (800+ waitlisters and customers)
  2. Build your outbound prospecting system from scratch here (250+ students)
  3. Write cold messages that get a 38% reply rate and 27% meeting rate here (55+)
  4. Book me 1:1 or for your team here
  5. Sponsor my newsletter & get 4.900+ eyeballs on your ad!

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Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings.

Subscribe to the Newsletter

Get my free, 4 min weekly newsletter. Used by 5.900+ salespeople to book more meetings.